Presentation Cups, Trophies and Awards

- Eion Johnson Memorial Cup for the best Lavandin

- Silver Award for 2015 Molten Silver Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2014 blend of Violet Intrigue/Pacific Blue Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2014 blend of Molten Silver/Grosso Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2016 Avice Hill Lavender oil

- Eion Johnson Memorial Cup for the best Lavandin
- Silver Award for 2015 Avice Hill Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2015 Violet Intrigue Lavender oil
- Gold Award for 2016 blend of Violet Intrigue/Avice Hill (Alpine Gold) Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2016 blend of Pacific Blue/Avice Hill/Violet Intrigue Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2015 Grosso Lavender Oil

- Eion Memorial Cup for best Lavandin
- Ken Wilson Memorial Trophy for best Grosso
- Silver Award for 2018 Avice Hill Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2018 blend of Pacific Blue/Avice Hill/Violet Intrigue Lavender oil

- Gold Award for 2018 Pacific Blue Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2017 Avice Hill Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2018 Avice Hill Lavender oil
- Gold Award for 2018 Molten Silver Lavender oil

- Denis Mathews Trophy for best Augustfolia
- Gold Award for best 2018 Avice Hill Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2019 blend of Molten Silver/Pacific Blue Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2019 blend of Molten Silver/Avice Hill Lavender oil
- Silver Award for 2019 blend of Molten Silver/Grosso Lavender oil
- Silver Award for Avice Hill 2020

- Eoin Johnson Memorial Trophy Best Lavandula x Intermedia 2021
- Dennis Matthews Memorial Trophy Best Lavandula Angustifolia 2021
- Gold award for the Lavandula x Intermedia - Molten Silver 2019
- Silver award for the angustifolia - Avice Hill 2020
- Silver award for the blend Molten Silver and Grosso

- Avice Hill 2020 Gold Award
- Molten Silver 2020 Silver Award
- Blend of Avice Hill & Molten Silver 2020 Silver Award

- Eoin Johnson Memorial Trophy Best Lavandula x Intermedia Molten Silver 2022
- Gold Award Molten Silver 2022
- Silver Award Molten Silver 2022
- Silver Award Blend Pacific Blue and Molten Silver 2021